I have always been interested in yoga, and have gone through a few phases of practicing yoga. I even volunteered at a yoga studio for a couple of months, but found myself disengaged as I was distracted with personal matters.

Like most people, I struggle to stay consistent when it comes to health and exercise. I set unrealistic expectations, exercise hard for a week, then stop after skipping a couple of days. I would like to use this free inquiry to deepen my understanding of yoga so I can set up healthy habits for myself that I can maintain once this class is over.

Practicing yoga everyday may improve immune health (especially important right now), focus, strength, sleep, posture, flexibility, balance, bone strength, happiness, energy, heart health, and may decrease anxiety, weight, and pain (https://www.thelist.com/205906/when-you-do-yoga-every-day-this-is-what-happens-to-your-body/). So it seems like a no brainer, and I’m going to try and see the results for myself.

While first thinking about my inquiry, I came up with a few questions that I would like to explore:

  • How can practicing yoga affect my everyday life?
  • How can practicing yoga impact me positively as a childcare worker and teacher candidate?
  • How much does yoga need to be practiced in order to see and feel change?
  • What kinds of yoga are there?

As for a goal, yoga is not something that can be completed and finished, it is ongoing and a lifestyle philosophy. To get started, I am going to commit to practicing yoga for at least 10 minutes everyday, and for one hour one day per week. I am also going to commit to reading at least one yoga philosophy book.

So, I’ve purchased a nice yoga mat and yoga towel, I am feeling motivated, and I’m ready to start my journey.

Featured Image by Andrew Kalat, https://www.flickr.com/photos/90811165@N00/2242940421