3 Teacher Blogs Worth Mentioning:

Free Technology for Teachers

This blog has a lot of great resources and ideas for teachers that integrate or are trying to integrate technology in their classroom. Along with blog posts, the creator posts YouTube videos, which if you’re like me, are easier to follow and learn from than a blog post! The creator regularly uploads and breaks important information down into smaller parts so that it is practical for teachers to use.

The Techie Teacher

This blog is teacher-run, including guest appearances from teachers aside from the original creator of the blog. There are lots of tips and tricks, including getting to hear different perspectives from multiple teachers. Some notable parts of this blog include information about technology themed books, how Siri can help teachers and students, a guest perspective on cyberbullying, and many technology themed teaching ideas!

 Nature Play: Nature Kindergarten on Vancouver Island

This blog veers away from the more tech-focused blogs I’ve been looking at. It is also local to Vancouver Island and has great ideas that can be used where we are! There is inspiration, ideas, and lots of hands-on activities that can be utilized in our classrooms!