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Blog Post #3: Pros, Cons, and Risks of Screen Time

According to an article written by Sophie Dominguesā€Montanari, screen time significantly affects psychological development and physiological development. As far as psychological development goes, screen time can affect childrenā€™s cognitive abilities. Although, it is clear that some tv shows can help with learning and co-viewing with adults can be beneficial (Domingues-Montanari, 2017). Additionally, television viewing can negatively affect cognitive and social emotional development, leading to poorer mental health in adolescence (Domingues-Montanari, 2017). With physiological development there can be negative effects on physical strength and general health, diet and obesity, and sleep (Domingues-Montanari, 2017). An article by Lissak backs up the claims on the effects of screen time on sleep. Having a poor sleep can affect children negatively in many ways, including physical and mental functioning, risk-taking behaviour, and school performance (Lissak, 2018). There are many findings from infancy to adolescence that showcase the effects between sleep and screen time. All developmental stages show that sleep disturbances in relationship to too much screen time are linked to internalizing, externalizing, and peer problems. To add to this, late night TV viewing is associated with decreased sleep duration (Lissak, 2018).Ā 

There are many factors where digital media seems to affect sleep including: displacing other activities, time of use, media type, media content, and location (Lissak, 2018). When screen time replaces physical activity there is a shortening sleep duration and quality. Screen time effects on sleep can also be subjective to the time of day it is being used, for example evening and night time exposure to blue light can suppress melatonin, causing a disruption in the circadian rhythm. TV viewing can also have a larger effect on sleep because passive TV watching can be associated with sleep disturbances. Cell phone usage can emit audible notifications that can cause inadequate sleep. Video game usage is another type of media that affects sleep because the arousal can disturb bedtime relaxation, leading to a shortened sleep time. Social media can also be harmful to sleep because the mix of bright light and excitement provoking tasks can cause psychophysiological arousal. Location of media is also detrimental because when devices are placed in childrenā€™s bedrooms, there are delayed bedtimes, shorter sleep durations, increased bedtime resistance, and higher level of sleep disturbances (Lissak, 2018).Ā 

Another huge negative effect of screen time is vision issues. Glare, poor lighting, and improper viewing settings can result in eye fatigue, blurred vision, eye dryness, headaches, and discomfort (Lissak, 2018). Studies show that video games have a connection to vision because children who play video games more than 30 mins every day are more likely to get headaches, dizziness, and eye strain (Lissak, 2018).Ā 

We will also discuss the effects of screen time on depression and ADHD. There is a link between depression and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and digital media usage of over two hours per day (Lissak, 2018). Sleep disturbances can develop depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviour, and so sleep is a factor in linking nighttime screen use to depressive symptoms. Negative mood, suicidal tendencies, and self-injury are also related to mobile phone dependency, frequent message sending, and prolonged worry about not receiving messages (Lissak, 2018). There is also a large association between ADHD and screen time. Screen time can hinder appropriate activities to stimulate cognitive abilities and long attention span (Lissak, 2018). ADHD is also a primary predictor for the development of Internet addictive behaviour (Lissak, 2018).Ā 

It is clear there are many cons and risks to screen time, although with the right use of screen time children can thrive. In an article by Przybylski and Weinstein, the goldilocks hypothesis is described. This hypothesis suggests that small moderate amounts of screen time are ok and could be possibly beneficial (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2017). Too much increases the risk of harm. This is just like the story about Goldilocks who finds too little porridge may not satisfy our needs but too much can be harmful. We need to find the amount of screentime that is just right, and this is likely two hours or less per day (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2017).

An article by Dr. Sally Iā€™Anson states the pros of digital media on academic success. Iā€™Anson suggests that technology can be used to teach children something and increase learning opportunities (Iā€™Anson, n.d.). In a survey conducted involving teachers, 80% thought that students need to be engaged in mobile learning outside of school to be successful. Technology is critical for engaging students with access to information. For example, when students are able to see their grades online they may be more likely to take personal responsibility for their assignments without waiting to get their grades until the end of the quarter/semester (Iā€™Anson, n.d.). Teachers also feel technology is key for classroom management. Innovation, technology-based approaches can unify classrooms and save time. Having an online space for grading, attendance, learning management, and assessment would be beneficial for student performance and improving student achievement. Instead of being concerned with screen time, we can looking for educational technology to improve student engagement and learning (Iā€™Anson, n.d.).Ā 

Overall, there are many cons and some pros to technology. It is important to note the risks of screen time on children so that we can do our best to mitigate these risks. Although, as long as screen time is used in moderation, we should not have to worry about the development of children. Technology can be used for good as long as we are using it for knowledge purposes and in moderation.


Domingues-Montanari, Sophie. (2017, February 6). Clinical and Psychological Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Children. Wiley Online Library.

Lā€™Anson, Sally. (n.d.). Afraid Your Students Have Too Much Screen Time? The Learning Counsel.Ā


Lissak, G. (2018, July). Adverse Physiological and Psychological Effects of Screentime. Ā Science Direct.

Przybylski & Weinstein. (2017). A Large-Scale Test of the Goldilocks Hypothesis. Association for Psychological Science.

Blog Post #2: The Relationship of Screen Time on Children to Teaching and Learning

Educators must balance many aspects of their classroom. The main goal of school is learning, and teachers must set up an environment that is safe and effective for meaningful learning. Technology and screen time, while very useful for teachers in many ways, can also be a detriment to their students. A UNICEF report states that children represent 1 in 3 internet users worldwide (Kids and screen time, 2018), and even more use screens without internet. As teachers, we do not know how screen time limits are being set at home, or how families are educating their children about screen time, but we do know how much screen time they are getting at school, and must set limits to try to maximize our students’ learning.

Excessive screen time has an adverse impact on childhood development (Domingues-Montanari, 2017). Screen time also may also cause a lack of sleep, and may lead students to exhibiting unpredictable behaviour due to poor stress regulation, internalizing or externalizing behaviour and poor social coping skills (Lissak, 2018). Additionally, there is a risk of developing antisocial and non-prosocial behaviours due to overexposure to violent content, and brain structural changes related to cognitive control and emotional regulation have been associated with digital media addictive behaviour (Lassik, 2018).Ā 

Teachers must be aware of these adverse effects that screen time can have on their students, as it will lead to an environment that does not foster learning. Additionally, students with ADHD and other learning differences may be impacted by screen time even more (Brain Balance). While we cannot control what goes on at home in regards to screen time, we can control what happens at school. It is important for teachers to promote cognitive development, be aware of their students’ attention spans and to help educate their students about screen time so that they can make healthy choices for themselves (SickKids staff).Ā 


Domingues-Montanari, Sophie. (2017, February 6). Clinical and Psychological Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Children. Wiley Online Library.

Mayo Clinic. (2018, July 21). Kids and Screen Time: Mayo Clinic Radio. [Video]. YouTube

Lissak, G. (2018, July). Adverse Physiological and Psychological Effects of Screentime. Ā Science Direct.

SickKids Staff. (n.d.). How to Help Your Child Set Healthy Screen Time Limits. SideKicks.

Tips for Managing Too Much Screen Time at School. Ā (n.d.). BrainĀ  Balance. Retrieved March 15, 2021 from

Blog Post #1: What is Our Inquiry Question?

As we are on our way to become educators, we realize that technology is a large part of our society today. As educators we would like to find a way to fit technology into our teachings and educate our students about technology so that they understand the best possible ways to use it. Our inquiry question is: what are the effects of screen time on children? This is relevant because there are many youth that have too much screen time, and each person needs to know the risks that come with too much screen time. As educators, we should be the ones that educate these youth. We will be discussing the relationship between this topic to teaching and learning, the pros, cons, and risks, and we will discuss some strategies, best practices, and tips regarding our findings.Ā Ā 

Our focus will mainly be on the risks of screen time, and what we can do to prevent these risks. There are many effects of screen time on youth. Lissak states that research shows that duration, content, after-dark use, media type, and number of devices are all large components in determining screen time effects (Lissak, 2018). Additionally, there are many physical health effects such as poor sleep, and psychological health effects such as ADHD-related behaviour that we will be discussing (Lissak, 2018). To add to this, according to Przybylski and Weinstein, the amount of time that young people spend on technology is concerning due to the negative effects on mental well-being (Przybylski & Weinstein, 2017). There are obviously many risks we need to be aware about but there are also ways to mitigate these risks. We will talk about how we can help young people limit screen time, understand when the body is overworked by technology, and share ways to alternate sitting still and being active.


Lissak, G. (2018, July). Adverse physiological and psychological effects of screen time. Ā Science Direct.

Przybylski & Weinstein. (2017). A large-scale test of the Goldilocks hypothesis. Association

for Psychological Science.

Coding for Kids

This week in class I was excited to learn about coding, as I am very inexperienced in the topic.

Why code?

  • It helps to explain the world
  • It is object oriented
  • It uses logic
  • It develops problem solving and computational thinking skills
  • It can get deeper and more complex
  • It can be fun!

“Coding is a hands-on way of teaching students how to analyze a problem, determine the steps to fix it, and then create code so a machine can carry out those steps. It’s more than working with computers – it’s an approach and a way of problem solving.”

~ Mike Bernier, Former B.C. minister of education

Coding for kids is not super complex – there are many apps, games and more that are great coding resources that are kid friendly!

Coding Programs for Kids


Scratch is a free tool for creating stories, games, animations and more, that can be shared with others and around the world, or kept for yourself. Learns can control the variables as part of the coding project, and it helps to be able to see the logic of the game.

It can be overwhelming at first, but there are many tutorials and it is easy and fun once you are comfortable! For teachers, there are additional tutorials and resources such as coding cards with step by step instructions on them to give to students.

A beginners tutorial for how to use Scratch:

Scratch Jr.

Scratch Jr. is only available for iPad and android devices, but it is a great tool for younger kids (K – Gr. 2).

Programmable Robots: Sphero and Beebot

These programmable robots can be designed and sequences to drive them around the environment.


Kids playing with the programmable robot Sphero

“Sphero Maze Navigation” by Wesley Fryer is licensed under CC BY 2.0


Beebot programmable robot being played with in a classroom

“Bee-Bot” by Ars Electronica is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Coding is a fun way to learn for kids!

Yoga & Emotional Regulation

I have become increasingly interested in teaching emotional and self-regulation in kids, and yoga is a great way to do so! Yoga connects the body and mind. The mind interprets and labels emotions, and the body experiences them. Connecting the two can lead to better regulation of emotions. Yoga can help to identify and understand emotions and how they react to them (Gould, 2014).

Emotions are like the weather!

Hannah Gould made a great comparison: emotions are like the weather. They shift, change, and can be unpredictable. They can be affected by many things, such as sensory experiences, hunger, fatigue, excitement and anxiety.

Yoga can help to become mindful of the variability of our own emotional patterns.

Yoga & Attention

Yoga fosters self-regulation, through yoga poses and other mindfulness practices. BalanceĀ  poses are a great way to self-monitor and deeply root yourself. For example, in tree pose, students must focus inwards and adjust their muscle actions. The process may be wobbly at first, but will challenge students to succeed. When they do, they will be deeply satisfied!

Tree yoga pose

Photo by Katee Lue on Unsplash

What does it take to help students with their emotional regulation?

  • Patience
  • Encouragement
  • Hands-on assistance

Breathing Exercises

There are many breathing exercises that you can do with your students, but a couple of my favourite are bunny breaths and dragon breaths.

Dragon Breath:

Bunny Breathing:

A fun video I found for helping a child calm down who is struggling with self-regulation:

  1. Pizza Breathing
  2. Magic Mustache
  3. Quite Lap
  4. Self Hug

Overall, it is important to teach students self-regulating skills, and yoga is a great tool to do that!

Distributed Learning

In class this week we talked about distributed learning, and ironically enough, we have been immersed in that very thing over the last year, due to the pandemic. Learning online has had many negatives, but also many positives. Below is the list of positives/negatives to online learning that our class brainstormed together:


  • You can all type at once
  • No commute
  • More homework and personal time
  • Wearing pajamas and doing class in bed
  • Not taking the bus.
  • You can multi-task a lot more things on the go
  • Lectures can be recorded a lot easier, discussions are saved
  • Notes are accessible online
  • Ability to multitask during class.
  • Less gas money
  • More sleep
  • Donā€™t have to worry about forgetting things at home
  • We get to meet peopleā€™s pets!
  • Closed captioning on zoom calls
  • Being able to have peopleā€™s names and pronouns right there in case you forget


  • Tired bodies and eyes from too much screen time
  • Lack of ability to study with/connect with classmates
  • When internet is down, no accessibility to class
  • Hurts looking at a screen all day
  • I feel like I am way less active and do not get the fresh air I need
  • More home distractions
  • Hard to do homework after already sitting at the desk all dayĀ 
  • Tech can really be a pain and not always work when you need it/want it too
  • Get tired easily
  • Back painĀ 
  • No resources for more hands-on classes (music, art, physical ed, tech, drama)
  • Headaches (from the screen)
  • Difficult to connect with profs

Most of our daily views over the last year:

I have especially enjoyed not commuting, spending more time with my dog, and being able to work more, but I am excited for things to go back to ‘normal’.

Asynchronous & Synchronous Learning Tools

Asynchronous is a term I have only come to know in the past year. It means that you learn on your own time, from materials provided by a teacher. This can be done from anywhere at any time (although there is typically a ‘due’ date).

SynchronousĀ is what most people think of as a usual way of learning. The teaching and learning happens at the same time, but can be done from different places (hello zoom synchronous classes)!

Asynchronous Tools

Synchronous Tools

  • Active Learning Classrooms
Active Classroom

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

  • Zoom
  • Video Conferencing
What isĀ zoom fatigue?

Zoom fatigue is something that I think most of my peers and I, as well as many people around the world, have been experiencing. It is exhausting because:

  1. Excessive amounts of close-up eye contact
  2. Seeing yourself constantly in real-time
  3. Dramatic reduction in mobility
  4. Higher cognitive load

Distributed learning is great for allowing teachers and students to learn from anywhere, and thank goodness we had the ability to learn how we did over the last year, but I am excited to get back to face-to-face learning!


‘Wild Thing’ Riff & Midterm Video

My final learning experience before handing in my midterm video was to learn the riff from ‘Wild Thing’ by The Troggs. A riff is a short, recognizable part of any particular song that repeats over and over.

This riff is done by strumming A major, D major, E major and the D major again twice each repeatedly in the correct pattern.

Andy Guitar taught me how to play the riff in this video:

I struggled to play this riff as moving smoothly from chord to chord was difficult. I also struggle with the D major chord, as I talked about in my last post. Watch my midterm video to see the final product!

Midterm Video

In this video I show my learning by naming the strings, playing the E major, A major, D major, G major and E minor chords, playing the riffs from ‘Wild Thing’ and ‘Born in the USA’ and by playing my first song, ‘Three Little Birds’.

I am proud of how far I have come, and am excited to continue my guitar journey!

Yoga in the Classroom

As I have been enjoying my yoga practice, I am starting to think more about how I can incorporate it into my classroom in the future. I want to start researching ideas so that I will more more comfortable with it when the time comes. Bringing yoga into the classroom is a fun way to get moving, practice mindfulness and to learn!

Yoga in the Classroom Ideas

From Camille Dodson on DOYOUYOGA:

1. Use a yoga card deck

  • Illustrates the poses in a kid friendly way
  • There are many decks available to buy, but you can also make your own!

yoga cards for kids in black and white and color

2. Make yoga part of your routine

  • Add yoga to morning circle
    • This helps to centre kids
  • Add yoga to transitions
    • This helps to refocus and reset
  • When standing in line
    • Can do standing poses or a breathing exercise
  • Anytime energy is high

3. Offer yoga as a break

  • Set up a mat in the corner of your classroom and allow students to use it for a couple of poses when they are feeling overwhelmed or just need a break
  • Have some yoga cards so that kids can be reminded of what to do

4. Weave yoga into existing units

  • If you are studying trees, students can do a tree pose
  • Students can also make up poses, such as making up a penguin pose if you’re studying penguins
  • Make letter poses if learning the alphabet

5.Ā Use online yoga resources

  • As in my last post on yoga educational videos, there are so many online resources that you can use to teach kids yoga!

From Laura Driscoll on the Social Emotional Workshop:

6. Deescalation & coping skills

  • Add new yoga poses to coping skills toolbox
  • Teaching 3 poses that students with self-regulation struggles that they can use in succession paired with breathing can greatly benefit them
  • Talk to the student about when they should use the yoga strategy

7. Make it fun and engaging

  • There are lots of fun and engaging yoga games you can play with kids, such as:
    • Follow the Leader
    • Yoga Freeze Dance
    • Red Light, Green Light, yoga version
    • Mirror yoga
    • Yoga spinner game

From Kaplan, Using Yoga in the Classroom:

Why use yoga in the classroom?

  • It is a healthy way to express emotions and behaviour
  • It is relaxing and peaceful, putting minds at ease and reducing feelings of anxiety and fear
  • It improves memory, focus and clarity
  • It encourages community
  • It improves gross motor development
  • It can improve regulation skills such as decreasing impulsivity by focusing on reflection and patience

Technology and Inclusive Education

Today we were lucky to have Tracey Humphrey, founder and chair of BCEdAccess, talk to us about equitable education, and how technology can help inclusion.

“We all have different identities that we bring to the table. We all offer different things and this is what makes us unique.” – Tracey Humphrey

Tracey spoke about her and her children’s experiences with ASD in general and within the school system. I love this statement that Tracey said because I think that diversity is what makes us all special. I have had the opportunity to work with students on the spectrum and I have learned so much from them.

Below is the amazing story of Damon Kirsebom, who can speak through the use of technology.

Damon Kirsebom, “When People See Me Typing”

As Damon says, his story is not unique. Many people use technology to help them.

As a future teacher, it is important to keep inclusive education in mind. Tracey gave us a few ideas for fostering inclusion in the classroom:

  • Read IEPs
  • Connect with family
  • Connect with student
  • Advocate for good, recent technology
  • Advocate for technology support
  • Talk about diversity

I love that Tracey said that relationships and connections are THE most important thing. I think that teacher-student relationships are crucial to meaningful learning, and fostering belonging in the classroom.

Educational Yoga Videos

“Yoga is the artwork of awareness on the canvas of body, mind, and soul.”

–Ā  Amit Ray, “Yoga and Vipassana”

Inspired by our class this week on educational video, I decided to dive into some educational yoga video!

This video by Krishna Sudhir from TED-Ed on YouTube talks about what yoga does to your body and brain.

Yoga Sutras – defined yoga as the restraining of the mind from focusing on external objects in efforts to reach a state of pure consciousness

Overtime, yoga began to incorporate physical elements.

3 core elements remain in common day yoga:

  1. Physical postures
  2. Breathing exercises
  3. Spiritual contemplation

This blend has a unique sense of health advantages:

  • boosts strength & flexibility
  • improves heart and lung function
  • enhances psychological well-being

What have studies shown?

  • it is tough to make specific claims
  • it is difficult to determine which component of yoga is improving which health benefit

Flexibility & Strength

  • stretching helps muscles become more elastic
  • no one form of yoga has been shown to improve flexibility more
  • helpful at reducing pain and benefits breathing related to some chronic conditions

Psychological Effects

  • little conclusive evidence of how yoga helps
  • there is evidence to suggest yoga can help reduce symptoms of stress

Classroom Recordings of Yoga

I have been starting to think about how I can incorporate yoga into my classroom. Educational videos from other teachers are helpful so that I can see how they teach yoga. Here are a few that I’ve found, that would be classified as a “classroom recording” educational video

Standing Yoga Sequence

Chair Yoga

Physical Activity Breaks – Ready to Learn!

There are so many educational yoga videos available. As a teacher, there are many videos you could play for your class to follow. Additionally, teacher’s can show kids videos about the benefits of yoga. Also, teacher’s can use videos to learn for themselves to be able to pass that knowledge along!

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